Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I love spending time outside at night.  Warm weather is easier to stay longer, but even on the cold winter nights, the crisp air brings a sense of peace to the night.

I'm a big stargazer, though I am not very learned of the constellations and celestial objects in the sky.  But just the awesome magnitude of the never-ending sea of stars and cosmic bodies makes me feel such a part of something so magnificently wonderful and sometimes so unworthy at the same time.  Such a small speck of grain in such a vast desert.

Truth is, we're really all unworthy.  We're born that way.  But the story doesn't end there; it's only just beginning.  We may think we're unworthy, and by society's standards, may fall into that web of lies.  But the real truth is that we are worth more than we can ever imagine.  Not financially or socially, but soul-ly.  I know, I just made up a word.  Don't let it distract you from my thoughts! :) The thing is, the cosmos, the celestial objects, the millions of stars, all the way down to the plants, the mountains, the seas, these things were all created for us.  They were created for us because even though we may feel unworthy, we have a purpose, and every one, no matter our wrongdoings, has a worth that we cannot comprehend.  We have a worth that is not judged by human standards or opinions.

The question of our worth is one that has been asked for centuries.  Psalms 8:3-4 says,
I look at your heavens, which you made with your fingers.  I see the moon and stars, which you created.  But why are people even important to you?  Why do you take care of human beings?
 Fact of the matter is, we are all worthy.  I know.  I just contradicted what I said a moment ago.  Hang on.  Just as the stars and moon were created, we were also created, each one of us unique and completely different from any other.  Unique.  Extraordinary.  The only one of our kind.  And, just as the stars and moon worship, we were created to worship.  (If you've read anything I've written, you've heard that before!)  All of creation was created to worship (see Psalms 148), and when we don't, He misses us.  He made us in an amazing and wonderful way, and we are worthy.  We are worthy, because we are loved.  Loved with an unfathomable love.  Loved no matter our circumstances, our nationalities, our status, our wrongs.  We are loved.  And because we are loved, we were deemed worthy before we even knew we were unworthy.  We only have to accept it.  The heavens declare the glory of God, day after day after day.  When we, too, declare His glory, worshipping through song, prayer, meditation, whatever, we will begin to glimpse our worthiness.

You are loved.  Don't be missed.

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