Sunday, September 25, 2016


Another change is soon upon us.  September is more than half over, the weather is dipping for a few days and fall is technically here with the feel of if just around the corner.  I've already seen folks decorating with colored leaves, acorns, pinecones and scarecrows.  I used to be one of those people.  Now I just kind of let nature take over my yard.  You know, the scraggly, weedy, totally natural look?  That's me!

Living on a farm and being a farmer, we are used to change and I think being a farmer prepares us well for change.  We are used to the fact that change is a staple of life and changes are thrown at us daily.  The weather changes, animals' moods can change our plans very quickly, birth and death both bring changes.

But change can be a beautiful thing.  I don't ever want to be one of those people that loathes change, falling into the "same-old, same-old" routine, becoming stagnant in my life and daily awareness and learnings.  If we choose to honor change, we will walk with it hand in hand and be able to work with what we're handed.  If we choose to curse change, we may ourselves be cursed with misfortune.  By understanding the powerful grip that change has upon our lives, we can accept it with respect and grace.  By respecting it, we can embrace it.

I choose to embrace change.

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