Monday, January 25, 2010


Our sheep are Katahdins, a meat breed. They are very docile and lots of fun to be around. Like any other species, each has their own unique personality and traits. The ewes often have twins, sometimes triplets and are very good, attentive mothers.
Also, like any other species, they like to have a little fun. On this particular day, I was able to catch a few photos of the sheep butting heads.
Here they're picking their challenge.
A step forward--they don't run at each other, but the impact is still a big one!
Getting closer...and...
KABLAM! That would hurt any ordinary person. Especially me!
And the bounce off. Not sure if this indicates the victor or not.
Thinking about gearing up for another go at it.
When a third contender steps in!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! It's amazing the power they get just by stepping toward each other and then unleashing like a spring wound too tight. Your photos capture the action very well!


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